Here are some of the common techniques/procedures we use at Atlantic Rehab, physical therapy (click on buttons for more info):
A passive positional procedure that places the body in a positon of greatest comfort, thereby relieving pain by reduction and arrest of inappropriate proprioceptor activity that maintains somatic dysfunction. We have a certified therapist on staff at Atlantic Rehab, Inc. and we also perform Fascial-Counterstrain which is a skilled passive manipulation of the body's deep fascial proprioceptors with the goal of normalizing associated skeletal & smooth muscle reflexes that maintain dysfunction. It can look at the body's different systems of: Nervous System, Musculoskeletal, Lymphatic, Arterial, Visceral and Dura/Cranial.
A whole body hands on approach to evaluate and treat the muscle and connective tissues of the body. Restrictions in the fascia can lead to postural misalignments and abnormal tensions that can lead to lack of mobility and pain.
This technique uses the patient's own muscle contraction to properly align a specific joint. This may also be used to increase range of motion at a hypomobile joint.
A gentle, light touch method of evaluating & enhancing the function of the Craniosacral system (membranes, CSF, bones of the skull, face, down the spine and to the sacrum) An imbalance or restriction in the Craniosacral system may cause sensory, motor, or neurological impairments.
This technique consists of moving one joint surface on another in a specific joint. Stretching the joint capsule and loosening of any adhesions is accomplished.
A hands-on approach to free up soft tissue restrictions. It increases the fluid dynamics in tissues where restrictions prevent normal tissue motion.
Occasionally the primary restriction in the body may be the nerve itself. By assessing the neuro tension to find the restriction you can mobilize the nerve.
After an assessment of the patients movement patterns is observed, specific activities or exercises are indicated to arrest any improper movement patterns. May also include a posture assessment and/or balance & proprioception assessment.
These are individually designed exercise programs for the patient's *specific* problem. Our exercise programs are designed to give the patient control over their diagnosis and allow them to do move activity pain free. Often, a home exercise program is indicated.
We also use traditional modalities when indicated. Some of the common modalities that we use are Moist Heat, Cold Packs, Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, Traction, Paraffin bath, and we even have a MedX Cold Laser and GameReady® Cold/compression machine.